Project Location
The 10.5-acre project site is located on W. San Marcos Blvd., west of Via Vera Cruz.
Zoning and Land Use Designations
In 2012, the area along the northern side of San Marcos Boulevard was zoned Mixed-Use (MU-1), which allows for medium-density housing and commercial. The vision to create a vibrant, walkable development aligns with the site’s mixed-use zoning, meets city needs, and honors the original legacy and vision of a place for the community to come together.
Click here to review San Marcos’ Zoning Map.
As part of the Project application, the entire site would be redesignated SPA (Specific Planning Area) with the intent of implementing the MU-1 zone as its foundation. The Restaurant Row Specific Plan seeks to meet the goals and policies outlined in the San Marcos General Plan, including those focused on leveraging smart growth principles in mixed-use and infill opportunities.